Sunday, April 11, 2010

clothes i need

under shirts
another summery dress
a perfect leather jacket, soft and light but still tough
how CUTE is this?!
i love dresses
summery dresses
a floral skirt
floral watercolor (i truly had this description on my list and i think this dress hits the nail on the head)
more summer skirts

though not on my list exactly it is now
this just says "wear me to the beach" but can also be great for work
a fun flirty blouse
a button-up white blouse
casual "weekend" pants
black trousers
kind of like wearing my yoga pants but not so shlumpy
i couldn't decide which ones i liked better so i put both "black heels for work"

So, i have an ever growing list on my phone of items that i need to buy, so that when i am out shopping i don't say to myself..."what am i forgetting that i need?!" What tends to happen anyway is that i pick up things i like and not the staples i need to stretch my wardrobe. Buying a white button up is infinitely less interesting than buying a flowered skirt or bright heels, so i am going to go through my list and post pictures of options for myself so i can get inspired to get the pieces i truly need.

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