Thursday, April 15, 2010


So the other day daniel had music playing through the computer when i came home and i asked him what he was listening to and he replies, "pandora" HUH? What is pandora?...and thus my world has changed. I think that I am the last person in the world to figure it out but if you are like me and you have no idea what i am talking about prepare to be amazed. Go to to try it. All you do is put an artist or a song in, for example regina spektor, and they CREATE a station for you based on whatever band or song you put in. So you get to hear all sorts of amazing music that sounds similar to the music you love! i KNOW i couldn't believe it either AND it's totally free. I am LOVING it and finally feeling like i can be cool enough to say, “have you heard of the broken bell?” now all i need is some some jorts that have the pockets hanging out, oxfords and a bowler hat.

1 comment:

  1. I love pandora. It's opened me up to cool indie artists in the styles I love without all the effort of finding underground bands. Cheating, I know. But doesn't it make you feel cool to find artists you love but otherwise would never have found??
